How to stop doomscrolling (B1, listening + vocabulary on the social media use)

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How often do you get lost in your phone, reading news or other resources that don’t bring you much benefit?

In the new lesson plan “Put Your Phone Away”, together with students you will discuss the topic of doomscrolling, what it is and how it affects our emotional state and life in general. This lesson is perfect for teenagers and adult students with B1 level.

Doomscrolling is the excessive consumption of negative news or articles without delving into them (scrolling through negative news). The main focus of the lesson is on speaking, listening and understanding what is being said in the video. Students will get acquainted with and discuss the current topic of doomscrolling and tips on how to get rid of this habit.

The video is quite easy to understand (there are no very complex words or high-level grammatical constructions), but there are quite a lot of phrases and expressions of the beginner and intermediate levels (take a walk, listen to music, etc.). Тому це чудова нагода потренувати свої навички слухання та розуміння носіїв для тих учнів, які ще не вірять, що вони це можуть робити. Therefore, this is a great opportunity to practice listening and comprehension skills for those students who do not yet believe that they can do it.

Also, with the help of this video, your students will get acquainted with the current vocabulary on the topic of doomscrolling and social media use, and learn to use it in speech.

Stay present in the moment and enjoy your lessons!