This is how we live (B1, modifying comparatives/superlatives)

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Is it easy for you to guess what a person is like, judging by his personal room and the things that are there?

In the new grammar lesson plan ‘This is how we live’, you will discuss with the students the unusual types of homes in which children from different countries live and learn more about their habits. This lesson is great for teenagers and adult students at B1/B1+ level.

The lesson is based on an interesting article that shows us very unusual types of housing in which children live in different countries; what their room looks like; how their life is organized and tells us about their interests

At first glance, it will be difficult to guess who comes from where, but this makes the task even more interesting. Your students will try to test their intuition and guess the countries in which these houses are located. Students will also practice their reading and understanding skills of different types of information – general understanding of the text and reading to find specific details.

The main focus of the lesson is the grammar topic ‘Modifying comparatives/superlatives’ (ways of complicating traditional comparisons in the English language). This topic may seem relatively simple, but there are bound to be options in the lesson plan that your students have never used before.

Get to know other cultures and enjoy your lessons!